About Us

Welcome to Wow Similipal ! Your one stop information website for tourist places in the district of Mayurbhanj.

We are promoting the touristplaces located in Similipal & of Mayurbhanj district through this website /blog https://wowsimilipal.blogspot.com/. We are providing you many valuable information relating to the various tourist places of Similipal and of Mayurbhanj District. So,that you can enjoy more and more during the stay at Mayurbhanj.

We request you to plan in advance when you are visiting to Mayurbhanj.So,that with less time you'll able to viist many near by places & do picnic. Inform the website to your family & friends,so that they can able to find many valuable information here.

If You have any query / doubt ,feel free to mail us at alkudarwaterfall@ gmail.com or click contact us page.

We wish you for a Happy & Pleasant Visit ❤.